Tuesday, August 02, 2005

My Little Darlings - 世界のすべて ...

I love babies, like the way people love pets. I'm not a major animal lover but I have a soft spot for almost all babies. I constantly bemoan the fact that I don't get a chance to see my two beautiful little darlings grow up. Just because I choose to live my life elsewhere, I am robbed of the chance to watch them take their first steps at everything and to spend everyday with them.

Thankfully, the abscence allows me to cherish every single moment with them and it is something I am thankful for. I will always remember the little things we do, like how little Joy likes to chase the birds and giggle in her special little way, and how little Joshua would bang his hands in excitement when he is being fed or not.

These mundane episodes that may seem trivial are precious to me because they are moments that may never be replicated. I will also always have a special smile when I see this photo and remember Joy saying "Two babies".

Being with them allows me to escape into their fantasy world and through them, I have learnt that I can be totally selfless and indulge in unconditional love, and there is no better gift than this. So, Thank you, my beautiful sister, for giving me this intense joy of being an uncle and a chance to play father ...

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