Thursday, December 06, 2007

Thank You For The Memories Part 3


Not many people are aware that I used to be a Seagator ten years ago. I worked at Seagate, my first job after I left the army, and worked as an Engineering Specialist (surprise! surprise!). I was not cut out for Engineering but like many other people in Singapore, were sucked into selecting a course of study for survival rather than interest.

Thankfully, the working environment at Seagate Reliability Department is the friendliest I have ever encountered and I made many good friends there. Fortunately, there was rarely any office rivalry and my attempts to create a familial environment of work and fun was generally well accepted. I believe many people already noticed that I was not cut out for Engineering because it was at that time where I discovered my love for writing. I called my writings Seabuzz, where I would share long emails usually about film reviews or things that interest me, like books that have inspired me as such. The most significant piece I wrote (to me) was after the death of my maternal grandmother, where I bared my soul, and hoped that everyone will learn the lesson to cherish all those close to them, and never be afraid to say "I love you".

I also recall the days when I organised outings on Friday nights after work for groups of more than twenty people, and how I really enjoyed that. We would try out new restaurants and pubs, and up to today, I am still thankful to all of them for their kind "attendance". Today, at my current work environment, there are shades of "Seagatedom", but I don't think it is exactly the same.

It was nice to see during this gathering that no one has really changed. The mannerisms, the ideals and the values have remained almost intact, though some have gotten married, while others have remained single. It's good to know that even though we don't catch up as often, not even via emails now, that deep down, I believe we still care for each other as friends. Thank you.

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