Monday, January 21, 2008

VAMP-nity Fair

My fellow Akina fans are holding another Akina Fan-Stall at the China Square Flea Market, so in support of them and Akina, I am promoting the details of the store here.

Even if you are not a fan of Akina or are not free, you have to make your way down and introduce yourself to them, and they will make you feel most welcome. They are the loveliest and most generous bunch of people and they might help kickstart that dormant Japanese Jpop volcano within you. Who knows, you might actually have fun at such flea markets for once.

Date: 27 January 2008
Time: 9am - 5:30pm
Venue: China Square Central

Most of all, they will be able to show you who the true Japanese Pop Diva is and why we love her so much. On behalf of my friends, hope to see you there!!

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