Monday, October 11, 2010

Time goes by

People ask me why I go back to Singapore every year? Is that a real holiday?

No, not really, but these are some of the "sacrifices" I have to make for living my life in a land away from my loved ones. I cherish all the time I get to spend with my family, relatives and friends, and I think this sense of urgency allows us not to waste precious time with just "living with each other under the same roof", but actually being together because we want to.

I know there are many other countries that I would like to visit, but I also know that time with my family is precious, especially with my parents and my not so little niece and nephew. Every time I see them again, it's another year gone. I am not there to watch them grow, but I am going to make sure that they know that I will always be there for them whenever they need me, and I love them, more than they may ever know.

There will come a time when they will reach teenage-hood, and may choose not to associate with this uncle that only comes back once a year. So, I am taking my chances and strengthening the building blocks that I continue to pile on each year. This year, as my nephew turns 6 and my niece 8, I am increasingly having "adult-like conversations" that surprise me, and it only helps highlights my "agony" of not being with them more often.

I can take photos and record moments, but some of these special times are not always able to be captured at the right time, so here are some pearls that I would like to share and etch in memory. For my eternal loves, Joy and Joshua ...

Joy: Uncle James, can you please stay with us tonight?
Joshua: Yes, stay with us tonight. Sleep here.
Me: Sorry I can't because there is no room for me.
Joshua: I know. You can sleep on my bed and I can sleep on the sofa.

Me: Joshua. It's your holiday this week. Isn't that wonderful?
Joshua: Where got holiday? (Singlish - which means "What do you mean by 'holiday'?" There is still homework from Mummy everyday.

Joshua: When are you coming to Singapore again? Or are we going to visit you in Australia?
Me: Well, I believe I will visit you next year. Who knows, you may come to Sydney earlier. Do you want to come to Sydney?
Joshua: Okay. I will ask Mummy. It can be my birthday present, or I know. I can come and visit you when I earn money when I grow up.
Me: What do you want to be when you grow up, Joshua?
Joshua: I want to be a policeman. No, I want to be a car driver.
Me: A car driver?
Joshua: Yes, a racing car driver. F1 racing car driver.
Me: I see. Well, that's nice to know.
Joshua: Yes. I want to win and then I can drive to Australia and see you.
Me: That's so sweet. Well, if you believe in yourself, then you will win!
Joshua: Yes, I hope so. That is why I need to practise.
Me: Practise?
Joshua: Yes, I have to practise on my remote control racing car driving. So, I will ask Mummy to buy me another remote control racing car for me this Christmas so that I can practise.

Joshua: What did you do today?
Me: I just finished work.
Joshua: How many pages did you do? (My sister gives him a number of pages of homework to complete)
Me: Uhmmmm ... 20 pages.
Joshua: Wow! (He usually gets 3 - 5 pages)
Me: Can you do 20 pages too?
Joshua: Yes, sure. But not all will be correct.


Anonymous said...

great experience, dude! thanks for this great post wow... it's very wonderful report.

JameZ said...

Thanks for your compliment. :-)

The Chronicler said...

Yeah, great post! The kids sure grow up fast, don't they? Seems like it wasn't too long ago when they were born, and now... so big already!

JameZ said...

I know ... totally. Wish I was there to chart their progress like you. Keep it up!