Thursday, May 01, 2008

Happy Birthday My Little Darlings

It was Joshua's 4th birthday on the 9th April and Joy's 6th birthday tomorrow and I can't think of a better way to wish them Happy Birthday (besides the presents I had already sent) than a couple of blog posts about them. This is also in part, inspiration from my fellow cousins who have been blogging about their babies, and I thought it is my turn to show off the two loves of my lives.

As you may know, I am a baby lover, so I relished all opportunities to capture them on my camera, be it photos or videos whenever I am back in Singapore. This usually serves me well in Sydney when I get to look at them via my screensaver or have a couple of chuckles when I review the videos again, like I just did, to select a couple of my favourites to share. I love this video technology, that is now cheaper and accessible to more people, and is a wonderful way to capture a memory, because there is nothing that tells more than a moving picture.

Even when I was younger and back in Singapore, I wondered what I was like when I was little. Too little to really remember my thoughts and behaviour. Hence, I love to capture them in motion, especially when they are not really watching. As they grow older, it becomes harder, because they learn all the silly tricks and try to poke faces at the camera. Still, I managed to capture some really precious videos of them which my Mum and sister really enjoyed when I finally burnt them on all a disc and uploaded it onto the family computer.

Even though I may not be around all the time with the two of you, I can't tell you how proud I am of the two of you, and how much I love you both. I wish I could be around the two of you more often, to watch you grow and blossom, but sometimes, we can't help the way things are, which may be difficult to explain to you, but I hope you will understand when you reach my age. Strange as it may sound, this distance in some ways also helps to accentuate the relationship that we share, because I feel that I am able to spend so much more quality time with the two of you when I am back around you both, and I cherish every single moment down to the second.

I know that every time I see you both again, you would most likely have grown a year older, and will inevitably grow further apart, which is an acceptable part of life. Hopefully, I will always be able to connect with you both, and treat you both always with love and respect, because there is nothing I can do or say that will express my love and gratitude, and the ways you have taught me to love more than I could ever know. Happy Birthday, my little darlings! May you always embrace life and love as you do now and never be afraid to explore what life may bring along your way. I will always love you both.

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